Coca Cola Bitcoins Ops Daily News!

It Started with Invasion plans to invade Mexico do to migrant Caravans moving into Mexican Territory to get to The United States!  Described as Sad by many.

The age of BTC!
There was a selected number of people who understood signals that happened in the news until it clicked. They had real evidence of what was about to unfold.
Some one had generated 400 million of BTC while Bitcoin's market was hanging around with only 21 million. He didn't just made millions of BTC but had potential to make that again and more anywhere in the world by implementing what he had in mind. 


During United States War time!
Something happened in Lagos De Moreno Jalisco Mexico!
A single guy moved into a house on the other side of the main street also called a boulevard with only one purpose and that was to own his dream house. Dream house for the simple reason that he was going to own the other side of the road everywhere in The Mexican Republic. The government wanted to expand and was going to take care of the fine print regarding all the details. Very important  (People's Choice) People were interested in the success of this plan that started in just a single block somewhere in Mexico that was going to change history regarding wars everywhere in the world.

 Prices, luxurious ways of life for every one involved... while the other side of the street worked like every other day! The operation was called Coca Cola Bitcoins Of America!

First Step!
After moving to the new house they either give out little novel books or they really went for it!
If little novels where given out that meant that they where only interested in the money side which it meant one thing they were looking to work like the other side of the street but making better profits or working and making a better living for them and their family and friends. They didn't care how as long as it helped. According to military intel anyone could have ben affected by this op on command and most important anywhere in the world where there was conflict! Nurses, Lawyers, The future President was about to emerge from this Operation

Little Books Side Of Coca Cola Bitcoins.
Armed personnel a few days a week making BTC Using new models known to the BTC making Community.. That meant that  the world had no choice but to watch the progress from far. By exploring what had ben posted on free blog sites and free website builders!

Everyone knew what was about to happened and were looking to make Coca Cola Bitcoins Ops Better than planned. 

The op was in place to improve the way of life for all residents. They knew they were going to be able to buy new properties and get better in living their normal lives. 

Wen asked! If you are going to re unite people with cryptocurrencies...
Please USE THIS RESPOND: We are on our way to release TURTLES to the wild!

(Their bosses will be notified)

That Coca Cola Bitcoins OP was going to solve the old housing issues before they had a chance to spend a dime of their new capabilities. 

Many left because they wanted control of other people's lives and that's why the government was so interested in Coca Cola Bitcoins Ops to be used in conflict areas around the world. They could simply go to blogger or wordpress and look at the information before and after the operation took place with certain individuals (special interest lists-"btc prospects" lists)

What happened at Coca Cola Bitcoins Ops is not a secret!

It makes a good man better...
It makes a good girl great.

And Every One was about to hand over their properties titles so when they got to be rich they didn't have a reason to get even with the place that watched them grow in many ways. That drove them to make decision that no man would have dared to make for the love of their families or the hate of their enemies, that knew that something of this nature was about to happened, so they moved even closer to hurt them without any knowledge what so ever. The army's fault of course.

Once the foundation was in place.. the armed personnel was to move to different parts of conflict areas with one thing in mind.
 Since the Coca Cola Bitcoins Ops were a generic medication for the world as they put it. Now they can and would and had choices to informed the general public or to not. Which caused a surprise ripple effect in every corner of the world. Waiting to blog about Coca Cola Bitcoins was not an option for any one with free time to drop a few lines every day, with followers and contributors from across the world where Coca Cola Bitcoins Was a success! 

What made the man do __________________________for their families or for the love of___________________________________________. K-smart  wanted to know more...So it became a job in the Military (That was the military's job... to find out what drove a man to choose to be better or to be worst ! Across the world) The military took cared of the fine print for sure.  Cars started to pop out every where in the world with real meaning in mind designed to tell the rest where they stand with the rest of civilization. For nothing else.

Cryptocurrency is Changing The Face of Divorces, and Most People - Including Lawyers, Don't ...
Global Crypto Press

If you were to ask me if I think people are using cryptocurrency to hide assets during a divorce, I would say it is a statistical certainty that people are.

Coca Cola Bitcoins Military World Wide Ops